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The hibp-downloader CLI tool attempts to be as fast and efficient as Pythonly possible.

The downloader works by creating multiple threads (based on CPU cores) a worker-queue arrangement that each invoke async-workers on chunks of the hash-prefix address-space.

The downloader collects the content for each hash-prefix in gzip format which is a deliberate choice over brotli compression because CLI tools such as zcat and zgrep work directly with the stored files and similar brotli-based alternatives are not common (or exist?); This also means we are able to write the received content directly to disk without any decompression processing. This saves considerable compute and processing time.

The downloader stores a .meta file (JSON, you can also use) alongside each content file that tracks the content timestamps, checksums and ETAG value; it is possible to use the --metadata-path option to store the metadata separately if required.

Because the downloader tracks content ETAG values we only receive new content from the remote-source (ie when the content has actually changed. The user is able to override this using the --ignore-etag option that will force all content to be sent by the source without regard for the ETAG.

The downloader also prevents the user from requesting the same hash-prefix content block more than once per local-cache-ttl to prevent unnecessary re-requests for the same content in short time periods (default 12 hrs); use the --local-cache-ttl option to adjust this if needed.

The --force option is simply a convenience option that sets both --ignore-etag and --local-cache-ttl=0

The options --hash-type, --first-hash, --last-hash, --processes and --chunk-size are described in the application-help and should be self-evident.




The downloader logs emit information about the download progress, not each requested hash-prefix content object. The following attributes are logged -

  • prefix= the current hash prefix content downloaded.
  • count of locally-cached content objects that did not require any request.
  • count of etag-match content objects that did not require re-download from source.
  • source.rc count of remote-cached content objects that already existed at the edge-cache provider (ie Cloudflare).
  • count of remote-origin content objects that needed to be retrieved from origin.
  • source.xx count of content objects that have unknown remote cache status.


$ hibp-downloader --data-path /opt/storage/hibp-datastore download --first-hash "00000" --last-hash "00fff" --force
2023-11-12T21:23:57+1000 | INFO | hibp-downloader | HIBP Downloader: v0.1.5
2023-11-12T21:23:57+1000 | INFO | hibp-downloader | data-path '/opt/storage/hibp-datastore'
2023-11-12T21:23:57+1000 | INFO | hibp-downloader | metadata-path '/opt/storage/hibp-datastore'
2023-11-12T21:23:57+1000 | INFO | hibp-downloader | Created 12 worker processes to consume a queue of prefix-hash values.
2023-11-12T21:23:59+1000 | INFO | hibp-downloader | prefix=00059 source=[lc:0 et:0 rc:50 ro:0 xx:0] processed=[0.8MB ~17290H/s] api=[40req/s 0.8MB] runtime=0.0min
2023-11-12T21:23:59+1000 | INFO | hibp-downloader | prefix=00077 source=[lc:0 et:0 rc:100 ro:0 xx:0] processed=[1.7MB ~28653H/s] api=[67req/s 1.7MB] runtime=0.0min
2023-11-12T21:24:01+1000 | INFO | hibp-downloader | prefix=0009f source=[lc:0 et:0 rc:150 ro:0 xx:0] processed=[2.5MB ~27690H/s] api=[66req/s 2.5MB] runtime=0.1min
2023-11-12T21:24:01+1000 | INFO | hibp-downloader | prefix=000a9 source=[lc:0 et:0 rc:200 ro:0 xx:0] processed=[3.3MB ~32863H/s] api=[78req/s 3.3MB] runtime=0.1min
2023-11-12T21:24:03+1000 | INFO | hibp-downloader | prefix=000f9 source=[lc:0 et:0 rc:250 ro:0 xx:0] processed=[4.1MB ~32441H/s] api=[77req/s 4.1MB] runtime=0.1min